- (Also see Cable) Rose oil
- eddish beard:
- Nakedness
- Rabat
- Rabbit:
- race:
- Racing
- Raddad
- Radiance
- radiator
- radish
- Radwan, peace be upon him
- rage
- Rage
- Rahal
- Raiment
- rain
- Rain gauge
- rain:
- rainbow
- Raincoat
- Rainworm
- Raise
- raisins
- Rajab
- Rake
- ram
- Ramadan
- rancor
- Range
- Rank
- Rank
- Ransom
- rape:
- raphe
- Rapture
- Rare book:
- Rasp
- Rat
- rat:
- Ratchet :
- Ratio
- Raven
- Raven’s vision
- raw:
- Rawd:
- Razor
- Razor strop:
- Razzaz:
- reader
- reading
- Rear side:
- Rebellious child:
- Rebuke
- Recalcitrance
- Recalcitrant child
- Receiving
- Recite Reality
- Recite the unbelievers
- reciter
- Reciting
- Reckoning
- Recognition
- Recognize
- Reconciliation
- reconciliation
- Record keeper:
- Record keepers
- Records
- Red
- Red anemones:
- red color:
- Red rose
- Red-brown beard:
- Reddish-brown
- Reed
- reel:
- Reference book:
- Refinement
- refinery
- reflection:
- refrain from evil
- refrain from evil
- Refuge
- Refund
- Region
- Regret
- Reins
- Reins of power
- Reject
- Relaxation
- Relief
- Religion
- Religion
- Religious commitment:
- Religious doctors:
- Religious endowment
- Religious rites relating to a newborn:
- Religious scholar:
- relying
- Remembrance of God:
- Reminiscence
- removal
- rennet:
- Renowned
- Renter
- Reorganization
- Repairi ng
- Repel
- repression
- Reprimand
- Repudiation
- request
- Requital
- Rescind
- Research
- Reservoir
- Resignation
- Resigned
- Resin
- Responding
- Resurrection
- Resurrection
- Resurrection:
- Retaliation
- Retreat
- retribution
- Return
- Return of travel
- reunion
- Revelation of God
- Reverence
- Reversal of sentence:
- Reviewer
- Reward
- Rheum
- Rhino
- Rhinoceros
- Rib
- Ribas
- Ribs
- Rice
- Rice drink:
- Rice flou
- rice:
- Richness
- ride:
- Rift
- Rift
- rig mountains:
- right
- Right hand:
- right:
- righteous
- righteous
- Righteous men
- Righteous people
- rights:
- Rigor
- Ring
- Ring polishing:
- ring:
- Ring:
- Ringdove
- Ringworm
- Ripping
- Rising in station:
- Rising of the dead:
- Rising prices
- Rising-up:
- Rislhwan
- Ritual ablution:
- Ritual bath
- Ritual impurity:
- Rituals of the pilgrimage:
- River
- river Euphrates
- river Gihon
- River Honey
- River Kawthar
- River Nile
- River water in Paradise
- River wine
- Rivulet
- Road
- Roadless terrain:
- Roaring
- Roast
- Roasted meat
- Roasting
- Robber
- Robbery
- Robe
- robe:
- Roc
- Rock:
- Rocking chair:
- Rocks
- Rodent
- roll
- roller:
- Rome
- Roof
- Roof gutter
- rook:
- Room
- room:
- Rooster
- Roots
- Rope
- Rosary
- Rose
- rows
- royalty:
- Rude
- Rue
- Rue:
- Ruffled hair
- Rug
- Rugged terrain:
- RUhanlyyeen
- ruin:
- Rukii
- rule
- Rum:
- Rumble
- Rumbling of one’sstomach
- Running and see the enemy
- Running away:
- Rupture of relations
- Rural warden:
- Rust
- Saber guard:
- See Riyadh
- See the rancor and Registry
- See the rubbish bin
- See the rugs and mats
- See the shift away from Islam and the worship of Allaah and the worship of fire and so
- the reins:
- the river
- the rug:
- Vision and reading the Koran and books
- Vision of race
- Vision of rapeseed
- Vision of religion
- Vision of Representatives
- Vision of rivers
- Vision of rocks, stones and gravel
- Vision of rooms
- Vision of ruin
- Vision of the raid
- Vision of the rain
- Vision of the rainy
- Vision of the resurrection and the portents
- Vision of the Righteous
- Vision of the ring
- Vision of the Ring
- Vision of the road sector
- Vision of the role
- Vision of the role and houses and rooms
- Vision Rabaas
- Vision Realtor
- Vision rhusiopathiae
- Vision Rihani
- Vision Rites
- Vision robe
- Vision rules and columns
- Vision Rusks
- Vision to read
- Vision to read the Torah and the Bible and the Psalms