- (See the margarine, butter and cheese
- . Mikael peace be upon him
- Mace
- machine
- Madda
- madder
- Madman
- madness
- Madrah boat
- Magi
- magic
- magic
- Magic arts
- Magician
- Magistrate
- Magpie
- Mahaleb
- Mahlaj
- Mailman
- Maintenance
- Majesty
- Makari
- Makeup
- Mala’ika
- male of people
- Male organ
- Malik
- man
- Man
- mandolins
- manger
- Mangy
- manifest
- manifold
- manna
- Manna
- Manumission
- manure
- Maqam Ibrahim peace be upon him
- marble
- Marble cutter
- March of an army
- Mare
- Marjoram
- Market
- Marketplace
- Marriage
- Marriage
- marriage contract marriages
- Marrow
- Mars
- martyr
- Martyr
- Maryam
- Masjid
- Mask
- master
- mats
- Mattress
- Mazraq
- Meadow
- measles
- measure
- measure of water
- Meat
- Meat
- meatus
- Mecca
- Medd
- Mediate vision
- Medicine
- medicine
- Medina
- Medium
- Meekness
- meet the angels
- Melhem
- Melon
- Menstrual period
- menstruation
- Mental hospital
- Mental keenness
- Mercenaries
- Merchandise
- merchant
- mercury
- Mercury2
- Mercy
- Message
- Messmate
- Mice to see
- Middle course
- Middle man
- Midges
- Migraine headache
- mihrab
- Mika’i1
- Milk
- milk
- Milk River
- Milking
- MilkIng a camel
- Milkmaid
- mill
- Mill
- Miller
- millet
- Mimosa tree
- Mina
- Minaret
- Minbar
- Mincemeat
- mine
- minimum
- Minister
- Mint
- Minter
- mirage wilderness
- Mire
- mirror
- Mirth
- Misaddi
- misery
- Misfortune
- Misleading
- Missile launcher
- mist
- Mizar
- Mnagherh Baldjok
- Moazzini
- Mobilization
- modesty
- molar
- Molar Tooth
- Mold
- Molder
- mole
- Mona
- Money
- Money exchanger
- Monk
- Monk’scell
- monkey
- Monkey
- Monkey see
- Monogram
- Monster
- month
- Monument
- Mooing of a cow
- Moon
- Moral vision
- Morlnga
- morning
- Morning star
- mortar
- Mortar
- Mortar & Pestle
- Mortar carrier
- Mortgage
- Mortician
- Moses
- Moses, peace be upon him
- Mosque
- Mosquito
- Mosquito net
- mosquitoes
- Mote
- Moth
- mother
- Mother of pearl
- Mountain
- Mountain goat
- Mountain pass
- Mountain trails
- mourning
- Mousa
- Mouse
- Mouse hole
- Moustache
- mouth
- Mowing
- mucus
- mud
- MUdd
- muezzin
- Muffler
- mug
- Muhammad
- Muhammad peace be upon him
- Muharram
- Mulberry
- Mulberry Tree
- Mule
- Mule driver:
- mules
- Muleteer
- Multiple spouses
- multiplication
- Mumbling
- Mummification
- Mummy case:
- Munafiqun
- Murmur
- Musaqah
- mush
- Mushrooms
- Musical instruments:
- Musical performance:
- Musician
- Musk
- Muslims’festivals:
- mustache
- mustard
- Mustard seeds:
- Mute
- Mutes
- Mutton
- Muzdalifa
- Muzdalifah
- Myrtle
- Mythical monster:
- Read Al Muzzammil
- Read Maryam
- Read Mutaffifin
- Read Surat Al-Maida
- Recite Mumtahina
- See marriages
- See men
- See mountains
- See mules and donkeys
- See the madness
- See the minarets
- See the misery
- See the moon and the five car Alondjem
- See the mosques and schools
- Supervisor to see Mecca
- the male genitalia
- the mask
- the mechanism of the sheep
- the military
- the monastery
- the monastery
- the mosque
- the mountain
- the mud
- the Muslim world
- The vision of Al Mizhar
- The vision of-Mu’izz
- Vision and milk batter construed to collect money.
- Vision machines boats
- Vision maker pipes
- Vision markets
- Vision methods
- Vision mills
- Vision Mirage
- Vision Mistirm
- Vision mongoose
- Vision mush
- Vision of maternal
- Vision of men
- Vision of milk batter
- Vision of millet
- Vision of mint
- Vision of molasses
- Vision of mourning
- Vision of murder
- Vision of mustard
- Vision of mustard seed
- Vision of the Mashreq and Maghreb
- Vision of the meat
- Vision of the mold
- Vision of the mouse
- Vision of the mouth
- Vision of the mud