- ar of wrongdoing:
- Eating the flesh of human vision
- F
- Fabulous being
- Face
- face
- Face mask:
- faction
- Faint
- Falcon
- fall
- Fall
- falling into the water
- Fame
- families of Rights
- Family support:
- famine
- Fan
- fan
- farewell
- farewell
- farinae
- Farm
- Farmer
- Farmland
- Farmyard
- Fart
- Farzan chess
- fascia
- Fasting
- fasting
- fat
- fat
- Father
- father
- Father in-law
- Fatima
- Fatir
- Fattal
- fault
- Fault finding
- Favor
- Fear
- fear
- feast
- Feast of breaking the fast:
- feathers
- felt
- FeltmakerFeltmaker
- Female climacteric:
- fence
- Fencer:
- Fencing
- Fenugreek:
- Ferret
- Ferro concrete
- Ferry
- fever
- Fever
- Feverish chill:
- fiber
- field of cavalry
- Fig
- Fight
- fighting
- figs
- Figure
- figures
- Filas
- File
- Filter
- Filth
- Filthy body:
- Finding a lost object
- Finding something:
- Finger
- finger
- Finished Business
- Fire
- fire
- Fireplace
- firewood
- Firewood
- Firmament:
- fish
- Fish
- Fish restaurant:
- Fishbones
- fisherman
- Fishery
- Fishing
- Fishing
- Fishing boat:
- Fishing net
- Fishing pole:
- Fitting room:
- Five fingers
- Five times prayers:
- Flag
- flag
- Flagship
- flask
- flattery
- Flea
- Flea
- Fledgling
- Flesh
- flies
- Flies
- Flint stone
- Floater
- flour
- flutes
- Flying
- Foam
- Fodder
- Fog
- Fold
- folder
- Folding
- Followers
- Fond
- Food
- Food basket:
- Food fare:
- Fool
- foolish
- Foot
- for
- Forbearance
- Forbidden tree
- force
- forearm
- Forehead
- Foreseer
- Forest
- Forgetting
- Forging money:
- forgiveness
- forgiveness
- Forgiving one’ssins:
- Forlorn
- Fornication
- Fortress
- fortune-teller
- Fortuneteller
- Forwardness
- Founder
- Foundling
- fountain
- Fountainhead
- Fowl
- Fox’s fur
- fragile Alepesh
- Frailty
- Frame of a person:
- Frankincense
- Franks
- Fraud
- fraud
- Fraudulent bankruptcy:
- Freckles
- Freckles
- free
- Freedom
- Fresh produce:
- Friday
- Friday eve
- friendliness
- Friendship
- Friendship on the road
- Fright
- fringes
- Frivolity
- Frog
- Front
- Froth
- Frothing at the mouth:
- Frowning
- Frozen assets:
- Frugal
- Frugality
- fruit
- fruit
- Fruit pickle
- Fruits salesman:
- Fryer
- Frying
- Fuel
- Fulfilling needs
- Fulfilling one’sgoal
- Fulfilling one’sneeds:
- Full moon:
- Fuller
- fun
- functioning of the skin
- functions
- Fund
- funeral
- Funeral prayers:
- Fungus
- funny
- fur
- Fur coat
- Furnace
- furnace
- Furrier
- Fury
- Fussilat
- Fustat
- Fuzz
- Rare fuck his mother
- Read the Al-Furqan
- Read the Forgiver
- Reading Al-Fath
- Recite fidelity
- Recite the faithful
- Recite the fighting (Muhammad )
- See fabric
- See Falcon and El-Baz
- See families
- See family and chairs
- See feces
- See fingernails
- See Fox
- See Funerals
- See the fear and the wheel
- See the flood
- See the forts
- See the fruits
- t fight
- teeth falling out dream
- the forest
- the fort
- Vision and farewell hugs and synagogues
- Vision fascia
- Vision folders
- Vision Funerals
- Vision of fallout
- Vision of families
- Vision of fasting and mushrooms
- Vision of fats
- Vision of feces
- Vision of fire and sparks
- Vision of fish
- Vision of foreclosure
- Vision of forgiveness and blame and reproach
- Vision of forts and castles
- Vision of fracture
- Vision of fracture
- Vision of fullness
- Vision of funds
- Vision of funk
- Vision of the bat
- Vision of the face
- Vision of the fall
- Vision of the fall
- Vision of the farmer
- Vision of the front
- Washing