peace be upon him

peace be upon him

peace be upon him by Shykh abdul ghani nabalsi peace be upon him

His vision in a dream, a function of the king and the succession, and was probably in his time of price rises, drought and loss of family, relatives and the child. Shows his vision of the prison and salvation from it, and the luck of the women, or aware of the vision and dream interpretation, and possibly win Bteke and pardoned him. And probably appeared to him a great miracle Krjoa sight of his father peace be upon them and that the woman saw peace be upon him was the single mother got married and laid off, although the poor have improved their status in this world and the Hereafter.
It felt peace be upon him underwent his parents and relatives, and have many charity and kindness, and it was said of Joseph saw it fall ill, it is the scourge of peace and strife of his brothers, then he gains his enemies and survive.
It felt peace be upon him spoke to him or give him something, it becomes a conduit for dormitories, knowing the knowledge of the dates. It won the good he saw in his strange but get rid of the prison inmates, and underwent his enemies, but was absent returned to his home safely, though he was a student of the presidency he received. Dream Interpretation in Islam

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