Vision of the role and houses and rooms

Vision of the role and houses and rooms

Vision of the role and houses and rooms by Al ahsaai Vision of the role and houses and rooms

It felt that he entered a house known for it affects the world as far as capacity of the house and gracious, the was one of the milk and clay are old and that was one of the bricks plaster is haram but Mjssh and the patient is his death and that was one of the clay wet afflicted are but an unknown building, position, and parents and set aside for the role Hereafter, the house they saw that it was entered and then left it oversees survive death, then is of the opinion that his home or his home or the homes built or widened over the surfaces of known capacity, that in this world is of the opinion that in his eyes or Mizaba nominate a non-rain or saw the roof home Qatara they eyes in tears on the death of a person which is of the opinion that he entered beta Mrchoca it fall ill, they are up to the wet and mud, and saw that it was over the house unknown, it affects the woman as much as the house and danger is of the opinion that in the room it is safe, which fear is of the opinion that in the new room and was poor or rich sacked wounded in his room and said to a woman, it is felt that it builds a room with a woman but felt that in the room was old and poor, increased bankruptcy or Dream Interpretation in Islam

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