Vision of rivers

Vision of rivers

Vision of rivers of Al zahri Vision of rivers

They draw on:

It saw a net fresh river Fidel good living and clarity of the time, especially if drinking from it. It was the vision of the river shall devolve agent King, though he saw in a known location requires that it is a factor to him .

It felt: that the river is high and nothing is happening beneath it for good and blessing and the elevation, and perhaps the people of Paradise to the verse, “being from which rivers flow Let them what they want.”

It felt: it is a river in his mind and increase the living.

It felt: that he swam in the river or the sinking of the Vtaoelh Ktaoal sea. It was of the view in the river like him is what he loves a good worker or the right of the king, though he saw what he hated him.

It felt: a river of something means of livelihood and it is better and a boon to the verse, “where the rivers of water is putrid and rivers of milk taste has not changed, rivers of wine delicious to the drinkers. Dream Interpretation in Islam

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