Vision of prayer
Vision of prayer
Vision of prayer of Al zahri Vision of prayer
Of the opinion that it is authorized in a known location that was a believer from the people of goodness and God bless him regurgitated visit the Kaaba to the verse, “And proclaim unto mankind the pilgrimage,” the verse.
It felt: that he is authorized in an unknown location, it is hated Mahmoud, though it steals seer evildoer.
It felt: it authorized a lighthouse on a mosque, it calls for creation to obey God.
It felt: that he is authorized in his bed as he slept he disregard his wife and his family.
It felt: that he is authorized in the door of his home it shows near him.
It felt: that he authorized his home in the middle of it dies and his son or his sister.
It felt: that it is authorized in the character dies and his father or his uncle.
It felt: that he is authorized on the surface of its neighbors, it is thought an evil thought of the people of his neighbors.
It felt: he authorized the door of the Sultan, it exposed the scandal and said to speak the right by the Sultan.
It felt: that he is authorized in the market, it indicates poverty, bankruptcy, and was told one of his family perish.
It felt: that he is authorized in a place it would be a heretic Goas hypocrite.
It felt: that he is authorized in the lane is not a place of prayer, it indicates to spy.
It felt: he authorized with his family, it indicates the occurrence of a disaster, as well as a woman if she saw marks.
It felt: it increases or decreases in the ears is the behavior is not right.
It felt: that a young child he authorized false words against his parents.
It felt: that he is authorized in the bathroom it is a lack of religion and worldly affairs.
It felt: that he is authorized in a convoy or walking, it accuses the company of some people who are stealing from innocent to the verse, “and then authorized the muezzin, O ye caravan of thieves.”
It felt: that he is authorized to pray and was incarcerated, it is called from his prison.
It felt: that he is authorized licking fun and it shows near him.
It felt: that he is authorized in the desert alone it shows near him.
It felt: that he is authorized on the top of a mountain, it indicates to speak the truth in the right amount Jalil. It was of the opinion that it is authorized on the minaret as much altitude.
It felt: it is authorized at the altar, it indicates to travel and return to safety and get to be.
It felt: he can hear the prayer, it would be lazy in prayer.
It felt: he can hear the voice of residence, it indicates the success to doing good. It was of the opinion that it is authorized and assesses people gathered together, praying and praying it do not come to the right of a people calling Faabun and are unjust to the verse, “so angry that the muezzin, including the curse of Allah on the oppressors.” It was of the view that growing up in prayer, the best zoom, follow through the year, and the melody interpreted in three ways: Bteke gloating or for joy or sorrow.
It felt: that he is authorized on the surface it is famous because of a woman and the consequences to the good. It was of the view that it should not be authorized place of prayer where it is not good, and maybe get him mad and so on. It was of the opinion that it is authorized or permitted saw a beast on the back of it is travel.
It felt: that he is authorized in the same boat it shows things easier, as well as if he deems that is authorized at the head of the house.
It felt: it grows in the Feasts, it maximizes the symbols of Allah There is nothing wrong in this vision.
In all, the vision of prayer shall devolve on the twelve and a face: Ag and say the right thing and as much as the principality and travel pay, death and bankruptcy and treachery and espionage and the lack of religion and hypocrisy. Dream Interpretation in Islam