

figs by Shykh abdul ghani nabalsi figs

Money is in a dream and the richness of many who hit him. Fig tree and many a rich man money, wholesome home to the enemies of Islam, because the snakes are home to the tree and not modify anything in the fruits.
and saw that it was eating his seed from fields covered. It was Teen livelihood by Iraq, and the sum of money from it enriched its owner without fatigue, and it shows the impact. And eat a little of it livelihood without difficulty. It was said that the fruit of the fig and paper they are and sadness and regret, it is eaten afflicted are on the order came to him or come to him. It was figs explains the righteous, and the option of the people, and income and the easy, happy and full of grace Allergdh. Black and figs in his time is better. Figs and white better than black. The person sees the fig at the wrong time, it indicates that envy presents to his vision.
and perhaps Del figs on the right, the person sees the fig at the wrong time, it indicates that envy presents to his vision.
and perhaps Del figs on the right, if figs black right-wing false, and perhaps indicated by the bile and sadness and out of the store top to the shop floor.
and perhaps remorse, as indicated by the Del regret eating figs.

meanings by Al ahsaai

Recite figs

Al read from fig improved and expanded his living, or get him what Aamlh in this world and the Hereafter, and was told livelihood and longevity of the pool and perhaps NATO right or regret or remorse Ihlvha punishment generosity and good Dream Interpretation in Islam


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