

live by Shykh abdul ghani nabalsi live

Is the enemy in a dream or treasure, woman or child. If the snake and made ​​no secret of it is evidence of a strong man and his country. And living enemy with money, because the interpretation of the poison money. But felt that he enter his house, the living plotted by the enemy, and saw that it was taking money from the IOS to the enemy in the security. Kill the enemy win. If his blood on his hands and his enemy died, inherited his money. The stinger to live it receives Ma’arat enemy. Burned down by the Sultan killed his enemies and win them, it flew traveled. And living in the interpretation of small little boy, and he killed a living death of a little boy. Saw kill the snakes in the market during the war was won by the enemy. The Sultan caught cheating, it snakes its enemies, and win them. And live a secretive Royal unjust animosity, great maliciousness, strong name, unpleasant appearance. And most of them black snakes Kedah and Sama, and snakes in white enemies of weakness. It is his vivid words of Lin nice hit or good pleasure of the enemy surprised the people from it. Baraad the speech, the prostitute is due on the enemy, but to be with that Da’ or cm, the work is stronger than to say, when it shall be taken to work and leave to say, and eventually the nail to be a brothel and rescued him from the enemy. The Ray graduated from the live-time Korh Trdjat once the demon that upset, the extractor live it fighting a strong enemy, which is the fear of it until they separate and exalted, and those who have dominated the nail Menhmta. To the stinger is located in the disaster does not survive.
It felt that he was killed live on the bed his wife died.
It felt in the neck beard Vqtaha three pieces he called his wife three Ttaliqat. The live cut in half, he redressed his enemy and gains control of it, and is subject to him three of his enemies a head, and a rich man, and was followed by a man and his children.Eat the raw flesh of the living, it gains control Bteke and his money, and wins in pleasure. Eat the cooked Bteke it gains control, and obtain money from him solver.The afflicted call it Vantfaj contend it an enemy and gain him great harm and money.The work of poison Fe scattering even his flesh and bone, it is fighting the enemy to disperse his children in the country. He died fighting the enemy and killed the enemy.The teeth of living power of the enemy and the severity of his plot. The shift of the enemy alive, it is shifting from one condition to another, and becomes an enemy of the Muslims. Saw the house full of Balehiat It does not go against it, he felt in his home enemies of the Muslims and the owners desires. Water snakes and money. But felt in his pocket or sleeve small white beard is not a burnt, and in its affairs, it Tkhalth money. Or hit the king of smooth snakes obey him where he wants, is not it affects them cm alloys of silver or gold, or an elixir it into the treasure. And if he sees you walk behind it a live enemy wants to plotted it, then walked in front of him or they took place round about Akhaltonh enemies and they can not harm. Saw the beard, and did not Ieanha, and fled from his enemy and it is safe he gains it, and all afraid of something it has not seen the security of his fear of making and warn him. See the live and the fear of them Faisiba fear of the enemy is not able to harm him. Bring alive the money it takes enemy haram and he gains it. Saw the dead alive, then Allaah will perish without costing him his enemy. The intervention saw snakes in his house, and out of it, it is not harmful, they are enemies of the people of his home and his relatives. Money and the flesh of the living old enemy, an enemy or antidote.
It felt that he had found a living skin of gold found a treasure of the treasures of King Chosroes. Saw the snakes fight in hand, killing them are great lively town that it owns.Even saw a live high up in the rest and hit the joy and pleasure. Saw the living descend from a height of the head die in that place. And if he sees that he speak to a live enemy from the back of the Pharaohs. The view that eat the flesh of the living, it affects the pleasure and benefit, and rank and attributed. The view that a living out of the land is torment in the place.
It felt that living swallowed won Sultan.
It felt in the head live up would at Kings.
and saw that it was beyond the snakes and walk among them showed his vision to rain a great flowing from the valleys.
It felt the living with the centuries it obtained the Ministry of the King that it is qualified, even if a merchant receives a profit in his business, and perhaps snakes shown on the infidels, and the fads. Perhaps Alzanan shown. Authority may be living. Of the opinion that the king of the great black snakes group led armies, and won a great kingdom. Water snakes and money. The live show stream and the state and the life.
It felt that killing a living, it marries Amrohz is of the opinion that the living out of the house, ruined house, and artistic people.
It felt Hayat has gone out of his mouth, and was sick, it dies.
It felt alive has entered into his mouth, it invincible enemy.
It is believed that the living out of his nose or the back of his Born generates. If I came out of his ear or stomach Firtkp sin. The lives of the abdomen show relatives, it is seen from these snakes die Vgnh something someone who was Aaaklh. Of snakes saw that it was cast out of his chair with his hand, it receives a disaster on the one hand his relatives and his family. Homes and lives of neighbors. The lives of desert road sector. And living evil and envy, and fraud and deceit, and deception demonstrated hostility. Yale and the state and the life.
It felt that he killed a living, it marries Amrohz is of the opinion that the living out of the house, ruined house, and artistic people.
It felt Hayat has gone out of his mouth, and was sick, it dies.
It felt alive has entered it in his mouth, invincible enemy.
It is believed that the living out of his nose or the back of his Born generates. If I came out of his ear or stomach Firtkp sin. The lives of the abdomen show relatives, it is seen from these snakes die Vgnh something someone who was Aaaklh. Of snakes saw that it was cast out of his chair with his hand, it receives a disaster on the one hand his relatives and his family. Homes and lives of neighbors. The lives of desert road sector. And living evil and envy, and fraud and deceit, deception and demonstrated hostility. Dream Interpretation in Islam

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