wives of the Prophet peace be upon him

wives of the Prophet peace be upon him

wives of the Prophet peace be upon him by Shykh abdul ghani nabalsi wives of the Prophet peace be upon him:

Indicate their vision in a dream on mothers, and show the good and the pool and girls, and perhaps see them shown on the covariance, and on the right because of the secret show or conceal it. And if she sees a woman Aisha, may Allah be received in a dream high status, and fame to be valid and privileged when parents and couples.The saw Hafsa shown may Allah be pleased to see the deception. The saw Khadija, may Allah be shown on the happiness and righteous offspring. Shows to see Fatima, may Allah be pleased girl Messenger of Allah for the loss of husbands and fathers and mothers. The vision of Hassan and Hussein, may Allah be pleased with them they are a function of sedition and obtain the certificate, and possibly indicated by the travel and alienation, and that the seer die a martyr.
is of the opinion of men none of the wives of the Prophet peace be upon him and was a bachelor, married a woman is valid. Also, if the woman saw one of them, see the shown enough for Baal Dream Interpretation in Islam

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