

wailing by Shykh abdul ghani nabalsi wailing:

Indicates a preacher in a dream. And hear the lamentations indicates the open privy stenchy smell of it. It was: wailing voices of dogs. Alnaúhh voice and the voice of fire Kerr, cymbals, tambourines, and ways. Perhaps the evidence of the wedding Palmaaszew and singing. Praise and lamentations Bisexual if at all.
It felt Anah the subject in which there is a change took place and its bad management and poor, cut off by his companions included.
is of the opinion that laments the dead indicates that the joy and pleasure. The wailing of exciting sedition Alnaúhh, and perhaps misguided shown for guidance, or apostasy from the religion.
and perhaps Del wailing on flute or oboe to wailing. And Alnaúhh show seen on the variability and the destruction of homes, business and bad, peace be upon him, saying: «wailing of the work of ignorance» .

meanings by Al ahsaai

See the wailing and slapping

The slapping Universal access is a disaster or hated or are distressed and regret it and the wailing is alarming and may not do what was coming down and perhaps not the best one who saw that, particularly if the greatest calamity scream Vtkon Dream Interpretation in Islam

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