Vision of the Earth

  Vision of the Earth

Vision of the Earth of Al zahri Vision of the Earth

Daniel said: a woman who expresses her vision.

It felt: in the land that was not apparent widening of that land, it travels far sooner.

It felt: that he dug the ground and eat the soil it finds money.

It felt: he digs the ground or basement Kaljb caught it and hated the money trick.

It felt: that he had swallowed the earth it is located in the scourge of trouble and calamity, and they are distressed or damaged his property by a woman.

It felt: that he had gone wide of the land to the land of narrow, Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, it goes from Islam to kufr.

It felt: that the earth has been turned under his foot it is evidence of the end of the age.

It felt: that the earth Tartej it for fear.

It felt: that the king is known to extend his gaze to the ground, it affects the woman in danger as much as people capacity ground.

It felt: that it belongs to the ground it is a big unknown as far as minimum capacity of that land, and perhaps safer because people created them, and perhaps the wife of the man they plowed.

It felt: that in the vast land flat does not know it for booty.

It felt: it sits on the ground, it can override them and for them the verse, “and you land in a stable.”

It felt: it hits something in the ground it travels travel Eptga livelihood for the verse, “and others were beaten in the ground looking and by the grace of God.”

It felt: he sold out to the ground or to other patients if it died, although it lacked the solvent.

It felt: he eats of the land by dividing it affects the money as far as eating is difficult.

It felt: that the earth is wrapped up quickly and then carry them it is not because Mahmoud in his right, and perhaps died suddenly.

It felt: they turned to him and become his hands, the life goes on.

It felt: that he came out of the land to the land of green Jdbh it moves from novelty to a year.

It felt: that he came out of the land of greenery to the land opposite is Jdbh.

It felt: that he came out of the land to the land of the two, whether it moves from place to place like it, but one distinct from the other shall be the best conclusion reached or left.

It felt: that he came out of the land or hope it sells out of his home or his mount or divorce his wife or his mother dies.

It felt: he returned it back to do so.

It felt: he walks out of the land to the land he attends consecutive traveling from land to land because of a woman or ongoing or otherwise.

It felt: that wallowing on the ground there is nothing good in it, and said to pollution, including Universal access money.

It felt: that the earth is split off and came out of her animal people spoke it felt strange wonder of the people against it, and perhaps showed him near to the verse, “If they took us out to them to say an animal from the ground Speak to them.” Perhaps the seer has a doubt in the expedition for the full verse, “The people were not faith in Our revelations.”

It felt: that digging the ground, it was sick or he has a patient is indicated by his death.

It felt: that digging in the ground for a place where a man enters it is a man of cunning deception intended to synthesize the other aims.

It felt: he digs a channel is because it exhibits a living.

It felt: he called his wife digs it.

It felt: that the hole has not inflicted the feud between them and then Atsalhan.

It felt: that he came out of the hole or river, it was sick lips of God, though confined disposal.

It felt: that in none of that is yelling including bump and did not find him, that his grave.

It felt: that it is busy searching the ground worldly things.

It felt: the earth to understand his words, it is the length of life, but did not understand that Vdd.

It felt: that digging bay known for faking it, and perhaps runs an order without regard to who is the king.

It felt: that it bridge a bridge, it would be a master in his religion.

It felt: it destroys the bridge Vdd.

In all, the vision of the bridge shall devolve on four aspects: a substantial benefit, and Salah and Save.

It felt: it contained ground water it contains the thing owned, although the single married woman.

But felt that his land, has made ​​the Sea King Iftera his wife .

It felt: that he has a wide ground and dig out a lot so the seeker can not pass by it construed as a woman of many corruption and deceit and deception, and the many disadvantages of the seer should beware of them.

It felt: it is made from the ground to us, it seeks in order get the benefit of it to him from the face of a solution. Dream Interpretation in Islam

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