Vision of Ascension

Vision of Ascension

Vision of Ascension of Al zahri Vision of Ascension

But what was it climb to the sky has made him speak in his door and his dismissal, as well as everything comes in the door, and the expression of inter rise unless it is flat Mahmoud.

Vision of landing

The landing shall submit a speech also which if from heaven, and was probably Neil grace this world with the principality of religion, the Prophet peace be upon him dropped after he stopped it did not detract from the honor, but increased his honor, and if the landing is not that comes as evidenced by everything in his door and said to his class and I hate landing repeatedly tried to find it did not welcome, and perhaps was weak and down on power.

Vision reclining

The Reclining it shows negligence matters, and perhaps indicates that the government will because it is their business.

Vision slippery

The slippery and there is no goodness in it, whether signed or did not.

It felt: it is slippery and signed hit by a disaster, even if they are located afflicted and distressed.

Vision do

The advancement of the command to do it.

It felt: that he had to do something that is a sign of good order, it rises to get a result of it, but felt that Vtobeirh against him. Dream Interpretation in Islam

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