chickens and roosters
chickens and roosters
chickens and roosters by Al ahsaai See the chickens and roosters
It felt that it hit the chicken thing, it affects the captives and servants as much as so were many countless numbers are at home, it affects the principality and the richness and go fear and accept the state is of the opinion that the slaughter of chickens, it Evtd ongoing virgin is of the opinion that he ate the chicken or the affects of feathers it infects from captivity and servants money and as well, and saw that it was hit Decca or his property it owns man Oagamaa descendants of kings and was told that was white it signifies a slave a good secretary or red it has a slave Abaka malignant is of the opinion that he fought Decca it is undisputed man Oagamaa the injury of your parents hated it affects the man from what he hates what it gets as much of the Rooster comes sin is of the opinion that the king said ostrich or slaughtered it Istmcn of a Bedouin man and saw that it was struck from the eggs of ostrich feathers, or it affects a man of Bedouin money and good Dream Interpretation in Islam