Griffin by Ibne serin Griffin: (Legendary bird; Mythical monster) In a dream, a griffin represents a haughty person, an innovator or a powerful person who disdains to follow the advice of the people of the faith. If a griffin talks to someone in his dream, it means that he will receive money from someone in authority, or that he could become an assistant to a strong man. If a griffin drops something to someone in a dream, it represents a divine blessing that will come at the hand of a ruler. Ifone sees himselfriding a griffin in a dream, it means that he will rise in station and rank. If one hunts or kills a griffin in a dream, it means that he will deceive someone. Ifhe sells a griffin in his dream, it means that he will oppress someone. If he captures it without a trick in his dream, it means that he is a courageous young man. Hugging a griffin in a dream means marrying a beautiful woman. A griffin in a dream also represents a beautiful woman, news from a distant land, distant travels, or idle talk about what is true and what is false. Dream Interpretation in Islam