God by Shykh abdul ghani nabalsi God
Which is not nothing like Him, He is the All-Seer. And seeing him in a dream beds varies it is seen Bazmth and majesty, with no air conditioning or a metaphor or representation, it was proof of the good, the gospel in this world and his faith in the safety consequences, but otherwise he saw his vision was a function of poor Srerth. It is seen from the patients died and that God is the truth and the right to death. If he saw a stray guided to see him. If he saw oppressed triumphed over his enemies. But to hear his interpretation of the meaning of non likened it shows heresy seer, and perhaps Del hear his talk on security from fear and the attainment of semen.
and perhaps Del his interpretation of the meaning of non-vision to raise the status, especially if he had revealed to him, even if from behind a screen may have been heresy and misguidance , and probably received the status of the. And it was said that it saw God in the form described and defined by the vision of the Mixed up false dreams, and that God does not limit or something like creatures. And it was said of the view of God photographer in the place of the seer who is lying to God, or attributed to him are not worthy of it.
It felt that God spoke to him and was able to be seen, God bless his soul is by grace.
and saw that it was seen as God is viewed him in the afterlife.
It felt that he prayed he has won his mercy, and obtained a certificate that request, and realize what hope of an order of this world and the Hereafter.
and saw that it was embraced or accepts a member of its members won wage required by, and obtained from the wage labor as they desire.
is of the opinion that he gave a thing of the pleasures of this world scourge Faisiba and ill health, and will enlarge his reward, and thus doubles the reward and it was mentioned.
and saw that it was. Promise of forgiveness or enter heaven or so it is still afraid of God observers to it.
It felt God Almighty, and could not be seen, or felt his throne, or throne was provided for the same good. The saw and the word, and could be seen or seen him on his throne, or chair won the good and the note of the great.
It felt that flees from God is asking if the worshipers it turns in worship and obedience, though his father Aakh and disobey, though a slave, it turns and Aibq of his master.
It felt as if between him and God, it works a veil sins and commit sins. It is seen Abosa, or angry upon, or inability of the possibility of light, or surprised when you see it, or taking ask in repentance and forgiveness it shows guilt and sins and heresies and horrors.
It felt that God word it a warning to him, and forbidden sins.
It is believed that the God caused it a lot of reading the Holy Quran.
and saw that it was caused and understand the words he hears the word of the Sultan or ruler.
It felt that God scan on his head and blessed by the Almighty God his own jurisdiction dignity and raise the amount, it does not relieve him of calamity to die , and saw God in the image of the father or a brother or a close and affection which Alatefh and blessed it fall ill, the scourge in his body maximizes God by his wage.
It felt that God briefed on the position or a house or inn in the land, country or place, the Justice, including the place There is much which is good and fertile, God willing, and briefed on the place of a frown or darkness with it the destruction of that place and the moon to his family and the injury or the severity of the scourge or epidemic, and other scourges. It saw him when in distress or a prisoner or confined it to be released and reveals what it.
It felt that blasphemes God, it ungrateful for His grace, not satisfied with what Allah of living.
It felt as if he exists in the hands of God is seen, it was a seer of the righteous Fraaah vision of mercy, though not of the righteous he must beware of that.
It felt like a Anajia Akram near and dear to people, as well as if he saw that he knelt in God’s hands.
It felt as if he spoke to him from behind the veil of good religion, and has its secretariat that was in his hand, and a strong authority, but felt that he spoke to him without a veil, it would be a sin in religion, the decorated it is they and sickness throughout his life, and requires so great reward, the saw as if God called his name and another name Ola ordered him and defeated his enemies, and if he sees that God angry it indicates that the wrath of his parents on it.
It felt that his parents Saktan it indicates that the wrath of God Almighty be upon him.
It felt that God Almighty wrath upon it drops from a place high, even saw that he fell from a wall or sky or mountain indicates that the wrath of God Almighty, and saw an example or a picture was said to him that God, thought it his God Fbdeh and worshiped him, he engaged with falsehood to think that he is right.
It felt God to pray in the place of the mercy and forgiveness comes that place and the place where he prayed in it.
It felt God acceptable, if the people of righteousness and goodness it accepts to obey God and reading his book or teach the Koran but otherwise he is an innovator.
It felt God had called him replied it pilgrimage, God Almighty, and the shed light on where proprioceptive perhaps indicated by the architecture that The ruins, or at a waste that was full, though the people of that wrong-doers avenged of them, even if they are wronged got their justice.
and possibly shown to see God in the place proper to the great king where he is, or shall be ordered Jabbar is severe, or does to that place of world useful or wise expert treatments, and the fear of God in a dream, it indicates the tranquility and stillness, and the riches of poverty, and living large.
It felt as if he became God Almighty, guided to the straight path.
It felt as if the right Almighty guides and Atuadh he commits sin. Del that the wrath of God Almighty, and saw an example or a picture was said to him that God, thought it his God Fbdeh and worshiped him, he engaged with falsehood to think that he is right.
It felt God to pray in the place of the mercy and forgiveness comes that place and the place where he prayed in it.
It felt God accepted, if the people of righteousness and goodness it accepts to obey God and reading his book or teach the Koran but otherwise he is an innovator.
It felt God had called him replied it pilgrimage, God Almighty, and the shed light on where ad hoc may indicated by the architecture that was in ruins, or at a waste that was full, though the people of that wrong-doers avenged of them, even if they are wronged got their justice.
and possibly shown to see God in the place proper to the great king where he is, or shall be ordered Jabbar is severe, or the to that place the world is useful or wise expert treatments, and the fear of God in a dream, it indicates the tranquility and stillness, and the riches of poverty, and living large.
It felt as if he became God Almighty, guided to the straight path.
It felt as if the right Almighty guides and Atuadh it commits a sin. Dream Interpretation in Islam