

Dumbness by Ibne serin Dumbness: (Muteness; Silence) In a dream, dumbness means corruption in one’s religious commitment or falsehood. If one sees himself dumb in a dream, it means that he insults the companions of God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, or backbites honorable people, or that he is a reprobate and an insolent person. If one sees himself mute in a dream, it means that he is ignorant. Dumbness in a dream means rescinding a court decision, or to remain silent when one is supposed to speak. Dumbness in a dream also means dethroning or terminating one’s employment, If one sees his tongue tied up in a dream, it means that he will gain eloquence, mastery of words, clarity of speech, wisdom in his words and prosperity, and it means that he will win victory over his enemy. Dream Interpretation in Islam

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